Florida Domestic Violence Lawyer: Let’s talk about “Restraining Orders” in South Florida
“Restraining Orders” are a common (though technically incorrect) alternative name for Domestic Violence Injunctions. These cases are heard in civil court (although injunction violations are criminal in nature). South Florida domestic violence lawyers generally handle criminal domestic violence allegations in criminal court. There can be overlap between the two in many instances.
Domestic Violence allegations can turn your life completely upside down. It is a recipe for disaster to attempt to face these sorts of allegations without experienced counsel in your corner whether you have been arrested for Domestic Violence in Ft. Lauderdale or anywhere else in South Florida. Domestic Violence allegations are addressed in both the criminal divisions and civil divisions with Petitions for Injunctions Against Domestic Violence (among other types of Injunctions) or, as they are known colloquially, “Restraining Orders.” At the Law Offices of Joseph Bosco, we have experience with both sides of this sensitive equation, representing both Petitioners and Respondents in South Florida’s tri-county area and beyond. We have spent years as domestic violence lawyers in South Florida’s tri-county area.
In Florida, domestic violence criminal charges are defined as any of the following: assault, aggravated assault, battery, aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated stalking, kidnapping, false imprisonment, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury or death of one family or household member. If you have been arrested for domestic violence anywhere in South Florida on domestic violence charges, you need to retain a domestic violence lawyer in Broward County, Miami-Dade County, or Palm Beach County for immediate help.
Domestic Violence is also frequently addressed in the civil courts through hearings for Petitions for Injunction or “Restraining Orders.” If you are the victim of domestic violence or have reasonable cause to believe that you are in immediate danger of becoming a victim of any act of domestic violence, you can petition the Court for an injunction against domestic violence or a “restraining order” against the abuser. Similarly, if an individual is served with court papers indicating that there is someone seeking injunctive relief against them, that Respondent needs a lawyer to help defend against the allegations. It is unwise to simply “go it alone” in court in these situations.
Whatever your Injunction or Restraining Order issue may be, or, should you have a question about injunctions in Florida, the Restraining Order Lawyers at the Law Offices of Joseph Bosco can walk you through this sensitive process. Call us today at any one of our South Florida offices for a free confidential consultation in Broward or Miami-Dade County at 954.888.8998 ex. 2, or in Palm Beach County at 561.515.7273. If you need to speak to one of our Miami-Dade Injunction Attorneys, you can call anytime at 305.224.8089 or simply call us toll-free at 844-380-HURT.
Address that injunction without delay. Call us today. Our South Florida injunction lawyers are always in your corner.